• Prendre le pouls - Géodésique (2015) - Marlène Renaud-B.

we are rich


‘’One ceases to be poor as soon as one begins to get organized. There is a considerable difference between a mass of poor people and a mass of poor people determined to act together.’’ [1]

In this time of austerity, we have a bitter taste in
our mouth. We would like to fight, but we have this strange feeling that the real problem is not economi- cal in its very nature. That the crisis that shakes us is actually more sensitive, submersive, systemic. That this austerity has for only purpose to divide us. That the resulting social fragmentation is turning us into narcissists barbarians.

At the OFFTA, it became important to look at our strengths, to seize our daily life weapons and proudly say:

We are rich.

Getting together, sharing perceptions; slowly starting to look in the same direction. Then, moving further on.
Bringing our attention on what unites us rather than what divide us.

Accepting that each person takes on a different path to reach our common goal and that this diversity of point of view and practices makes us collectively rich. Get things moving. Starting to build a present, then a line of meaningful actions, then our history.

And slowly, almost imperceptibly if we are not paying attention, together, we produce wealth.

We do not have an infrastructure to embody a power that would soon imprison us.
We do not have an organisation by which we should abide and be part of.

We don’t have much money.
But we are a living, lush, free, and moving organism. We bring curators together, we discuss with phi- losophers, authors, friends, colleagues, builders, businesspeople, children, depressed and indebted people, visionaries, believers, but above all, we meet artists that search, transform and probe our time.

We are rich and through this live art programming, we share the strong and rigorous artistic processes that heighten our awareness of the world. So that we start looking in the same direction. 

The codirector and the team of the OFFTA.

[1] À nos amis, Comité Insivible. La Fabrique Éditions, Paris, 2014, p.13.