• Prendre le pouls - Géodésique (2015) - Marlène Renaud-B.



For the second consecutive year, the OFFTA is proud to offer the Bourse à l’audace – Caisse de la culture to an artist who has distinguished himself with a bold and innovative approach in the live arts scene. We are therefore very pleased to announce that the Bourse à l’audace – Caisse de la culture of the 9th edition of the festival is awarded to Gabriel Plante for his project Plyball.

The curators and the team of the OFFTA wish to highlight this bold and creative creation process that reflected on human relationships as observed in sports, with the aim of transposing the results within a show.

Presented in public space in the OFF aux Jardins Gamelin, at the Place Émilie-Gamelin of the Quartier des spectacles during the month of May, the Plyball brought together people of all backgrounds in friendly sports matches, and has even crowned a champion at the first tournament of this theatrical sport.



It is with great pleasure that the curators and the direction of the 8th edition of the OFFTA give the first Bourse à l’audace – Caisse de la culture to Lara Kramer for her play NGS (Native Girl Syndrome).
NGS (Native Girl Syndrome) addresses sensitive and authentic way the homelessness is experienced by uprooted american indians; a delicate subject, but necessary.

La Bourse à l’audace
Involved with the next generation, it is with great enthusiasm that the Caisse de la Culture supports  the OFFTA, a center of creative innovation and deregulation of cultural practices through the introduction of the first Bourse à l’audace.
For both organizations, this award is an opportunity to offer another valuable support to foster innovation and creativity of emerging artists.

The Caisse de la Culture
The Caisse de la Culture is a financial cooperative administered by representatives of the cultural community. It was born from the desire to give to artists, artisans, designers and companies from the culture field, ways to reach their aspirations.
More information here.