Ville Lumière. Noir

JJ Houle


An evening to take yourself to the next level, to surpass yourself, to go beyond your limits and hit a wall. Grabbing your body, burning it at both ends, seeking to be reborn … after sifting through the ashes. Choosing which small piece to keep and letting the wind carry the rest.

JJ Houle is an interdisciplinary, non-binary, trans artist carving out a place between theater and performance art. In there work, they seeks to portray a queer view of the world giving space to marginal voices not in a spirit of direct advocacy rather than broadening collective narratives.

JJ Houle

Nicolas Biaux

With the support of
École nationale de théâtre du Canada (Art à part) + LA SERRE – arts vivants (YOU ARE HERE)


03.06 9pm Online broadcasting