Le Répondant

Marion Lessard


Le Répondant is an over-structured live telephone piece, fusing the forces of corporate narration, “You are the Hero” calls, psychotherapy by telephone, Kafkaesque maze, the suaveness of intimate calls and the frigid distancing of robotic conversations. A call to find out what you did not know you were looking for, through the mortification and the expiatory delights that ordinating structures impose on the all-too-human desires to be heard, to be called, and to believe oneself free.

Marion Lessard is a collective composed of Marie Cherbat-Schiller, Élisabeth M. Larouine, Claude Romain, Jean-Nicolas Léonard and Alice Roussel, whose practice in video, literature, drawing and public communications, confuse identity with what it is.

Playing with the founding notions of individuality, unity, originality, autonomy and identity, Marion Lessard sheds light on the linguistic, socio-political, psychic and philosophical structures that order our Western societies.

Ideation and text
Marion Lessard

The Répondant∙e∙s
Marion Lessard and guest agents

Jean-Nicolas Léonard

Claude Romain

External perspective
Élisabeth M. Larouine

Production director
Marie Cherbat-Schiller

Technical direction
Alice Roussel

Sound design

Original music
Geneviève Ackerman

With the support of
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

Special thanks to
SBK Telecom


31.05 9am-5pm By phone
01.06 9am-5pm By phone
02.06 9am-5pm By phone
03.06 9am-5pm By phone
04.06 9am-5pm By phone