• Prendre le pouls - Géodésique (2015) - Marlène Renaud-B.

Photo du spectacle



Friday May 29th, 10pm
Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal - Salle Beverly Webster Rolph
Electro music
Free event

The OFFTA and MUTEK, in collaboration with Mixgenius, join forces to present an immersive evening of emerging electronic music, with a programming consisting of an hybrid of Belgian and Quebec artists. Dive into the heart of the underground creation for a surprising adventure, joining two dynamics artistics communities into one! This event is made possible with the collaboration of KIKK festival (Namur) and with the support of the Governement of Quebec and Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

Kara-Lis Coverdale (qc)
Ramzi (qc)
Different Fountains (be)
Squeaky Lobster (be)
Woulg (qc)