L’algue flotte dans une rivière, amenée par le débit de l’eau, elle s’agrippe à la pierre, elle y reste longtemps

Maude Arès


À la racine

Marilou Craft + Chloé Savoie-Bernard

L’algue flotte dans une rivière, amenée par le débit de l’eau, elle s’agrippe à la pierre, elle y reste longtemps

An arrangement of dead, brown flowers, a green ram’s horn, blue rocks, pieces of drywall from a crumbling house, dull matte black ultra-resistant aluminum foil, purple clovers that peek through the holes of a baseball cap, a hardened piece of eraser.

Throughout the installation, makeshift tools bring to life a miniature collection of fragmented materials. At once precious and hazardous, these elements depict a world where fragility and strength are one and the same.

Unfolding into installation, sculpture, performance and drawing, Maude Arès’s practice invests the tangible relationships between materials—most often found, at times broken. Through her compositions, she stages fragile environments that let the audience listen, appreciate and understand the subtleties of the physical world.

Creation Maude Arès Performance and Sound Design Maude Arès, Simon Labbé Photo and video teaser Maude Arès In collaboration with Galerie de l’UQAM

À la racine

Marilou Craft and Chloé Savoie-Bernard were born the same year. They both spent their youth looking for their own reflection in the media and collecting model figures of similar-looking women. Now young adults, both feel sometimes trapped in a forced sorority, as mixed race identities often come with a common but uncharted background. Their encounter is one of distinct beings, which also reveals the common feeling of restraint brought upon marginalized bodies by structural power.

Marilou Craft is a writer who also works and creates in performing arts. Chloé Savoie-Bernard is a scholar and a writer. They have worked alongside each other on different projects, but À la racine is the first one they create and perform together.

Ideation, text and performance Marilou Craft, Chloé Savoie-Bernard In collaboration with Eunice Bélidor, Anaïs Castro Production Galerie de l’UQAM as part of the exhibition Over My Black Body Photo Julie Artacho Video teaser Eunice Bélidor

*Performances in this double-feature are presented in collaboration with Galerie de l’UQAM as part of the exhibition Over My Black Body, curated by Eunice Bélidor and Anaïs Castro, as well as the exhibition Maude Arès. L’algue flotte dans une rivière, amenée par le débit de l’eau, elle s’agrippe à la pierre, elle y reste longtemps. For more information, visit: galerie.uqam.ca

Galerie de l’UQAM
01.061 pm to 3 pmFree