Little Fun Palace

Office for a Human Theatre

A caravan. A small and portable pavilion. A bar. An ephemeral place of aggregation. A tribute to the Fun Palace; the legendary project of the architect Cedric Price and of the theater director Joan Littlewood who in the sixties wanted to create a street university, a laboratory of fun.

To redefine what unites us, blur boundaries and celebrate interstices, the Little Fun Palace sets up shop in Montreal for the entire duration of the OFFTA! A meeting space with multiple configurations, the street caravan imagined in 2018 by Italian company Office for a Human Theatre (OHT) will tour various neighbourhoods around the city. This mobile contraption rewrites live art into public spaces by prompting fiercely joyful impromptu encounters. Discussions, performances and DJ sets are just a few of the activities from this tapestry of eclectic meetups between artists, citizens, activists and researchers.

First stop of a tour that will take the caravan to Quebec City, Marsoui, Le Bic, Sherbrooke and Ottawa, this iteration, created in collaboration with artist Filippo Andreatta, will infiltrate the city to imagine flexible, non-hierarchical and locally rooted areas of exchange.

Consult the itinerary, the participants and the complete program by downloading the schedule above.

Founded in 2008, OHT [Office for a Human Theatre] is the research studio of theatre-maker and curator Filippo Andreatta whose work deals with landscape, daily personal politics and public spaces.

OHT has achieved national and international collaborations such as Haydn Foundation (IT), NYC Artists’ Salon (USA), Roma Europa festival (IT), Triennale Teatro Milan (IT), the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation (USA), Whitechapel Gallery London (UK), Teatro della Tosse Genova (IT), Italian Cultural Institute of Vienna (AT), MAXXI museum of the arts of the XXI century Rome (IT), among the others. Finally, Centrale Fies has frequently been partner of various projects, either for productions or for premieres.

OHT has been honoured with awards for artistic excellence, including Nuove Sensibilità for young theatre directors (2008), Movin’Up award for young artists (2016 and 2017), OPER.A 20.21 Fringe (2017) and nominated for Best Set-Design at UBU prize (2018).

A coproduction of
OHT [Office for a Human Theatre] + LA SERRE – arts vivants + Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles

In collaboration with
Carrefour international de théâtre de Québec + Centre de Création Diffusion de Gaspé + Théâtre du Bic / Les gens d’en bas + Centre des arts de la scène Jean-Besré + Le Trillium + Salon58 + pro scena


Curators (OFFTA)
Filippo Andreatta + Émilie Martz-Kuhn + Vincent de Repentigny

Guest curators (Tour)
Emile Beauchemin + Priscilla Guy + Wina Forget + André Gélineau + Guillaume Saindon

Photo credit

With the financial support of
Conseil des arts du Canada + Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

28.05 5pm-9pm Online broadcasting
30.05 12pm-5pm Online broadcasting
01.06 11pm-6:30pm Online broadcasting
03.06 12pm-1pm — 5pm-6pm Online broadcasting
05.06 1:30pm-4:30pm Online broadcasting