
Guillaume Saindon | 2359

27.05 – 04.06 1h30pm – 9h30pm
20 min.
Place de la Paix
Quartier des Spectacles

In the event of a high demand for Cabine/Trace, you may have to register on site. You will be able to reserve a time slot for the day.

In 1948, a telephone booth is set up in the Mojave Desert for the use of local miners. Decades later, the mining industry abandons the area, leaving behind this single phone booth as the only trace of human life in the desert landscape.

Cabine/Trace is a participative installation that prompts reflection on the changing status of objects that build our daily life and memories. Present everywhere, but gradually becoming invisible, phone booths have dissolved into our landscape. What, then, is the value of the conversations that took place in them, the graffiti scrawled onto them or the shelter they provided? And what is the meaning of these infrastructural traces that will outlive us?

Co-presented with Quartier des Spectacles Partnership.

Guillaume Saindon | 2359
2359 is a multidisciplinary company directed by Marie-Ève Fontaine et Guillaume Saindon that creates immersive and interactive pieces which combine digital technologies and live art. It prioritizes a documentary approach to build thought-provoking narratives rooted in reality and contemporary collective issues.