Le Magasin

Odile Gamache

Ugly Feelings
Caroline Gravel
Le Magasin
Odile Gamache
03.06 8pm
04.06 1pm
40 + 30 min
Théâtre Aux Écuries

Le Magasin is a scenographic-writing project which was born from a fascination for all the obsolete stores that are unable to adapt themselves in face of the new customer habits created with the rise of online shopping. This wordless performance is the swan song of a panting vitrine who is dancing its most beautiful lament for its last customer.

Odile Gamache
Odile Gamache works on the Montreal stages as a set designer since her graduation from the National Theatre School of Canada in 2013. She loves all the colours, cultural patrimony, poor materials, public spaces and the rhythms of simple shapes.