
Emile Pineault

Emile Pineault
04.06 8pm
05.06 1pm
60 min.
Édifice Wilder – Espace danse
Espace vert

An oval stage space made of pink fabric, microphones, 2 human beings, 15 soft sculptures, noises, a soft light.

In this welcoming space where forms and relief merge, you examine these bodies-matters meet, fold, unfold, connect, invaginate, and intertwine. You are witnesses to a new division of things. Textures that are shapes. Shapes that are sounds. Objects that are beings.

The centre of the stage is your own centre. A centre that breathes. That feels. That emits light. A light that touches you ever so slightly. You need to touch in order to understand that it is better to feel than to understand.

Emile Pineault
Through a multidisciplinary practice rooted in body-based research and performance, his work explores desire, sexualities and sensorialities. Bodies and objects mingle and become heaps of textures, shapes, sounds, vibrations, narratives and affects. He develops choreographies which oscillate between, on the one hand, messiness, clumsiness, and unruliness, and on the other hand, intense textures, exacerbated physicalities and a deep sensuality. He composes his creations like sensory poems, and uses duration and repetition to destabilize the relationship with the audience.