Sharing, metamorphoses : Sublimating resistance
Sharing, metamorphoses : Sublimating resistance
Nasim Lootij, Mycelium et Hanna-Sybille Müller
Moderation by Guillaume B.B
May 31, 8:20pm @ Théâtre aux Écuries
In L’inconsistance and BORBORO, the artists transform the materials that surround them to make their agency tangible. In order to sublimate the obstacles and issues at the heart of their work, displacing the values and meaning imposed onto objects and bodies. Paper, puppets, food – they all become vehicles for their propositions. Guillaume B.B., performance artist and member of the programming committee, will act as moderator for this discussion.
Three back-to-back conversations allow this year’s artists and members of the programming committee to share the ideas and mechanisms behind their performances. These discussions will progress throughout the week, weaving together diverse perspectives. It is the opportunity to foster a dialogue between the propositions that are part of our programming, while allowing threads to emerge between the different artists present.
For the OFFTA, LA SERRE – arts vivants sets up meetings that profit to the development of discussions around the practice of the artists presented at the festival, as well as to the question of live art at large.