LABYRINTHE pour autruches
LABYRINTHE pour autruches
Jimmy Gonzalez
Co-presented with
Quartier des Spectacles Partnership
Place de la Paix
May 27 – 28, 2pm
May 29, 5pm
June 1, 5pm
June 2, 6pm
June 3 – 4, 2pm
As a child, Jimmy dreamed of becoming a maze designer. He drew them frantically for his friends, taking more pleasure in drawing them than solving them. His labyrinths have long since left the pages to be inscribed in large formats, directly onto the structure of the city. Passers-by are invited to dive into his fantastical playgrounds, at the heart of which everything can be a performance.
For several years, Jimmy has devoted his artistic practice to the creation of participatory improvisation systems. Emphasizing the beauty of human (and non-human) interactions, the juggler by training weaves devices through his stage or outdoors performances that invite joyful and unexpected togetherness. He uses the spontaneity of improvisation, has a deep trust for the unplanned, and practices procrastination – all to create choreographies and evolving landscapes which summon simple, playful images.
Creation + Performance
Jimmy Gonzalez
Artistic support
Erika Nguyen
Sound design + Performance
Olivier Landry-Gagnon
Marie-Jeanne Rizkallah
Performance + Collaboration
John Noise and special guests
Special thanks to
Previous creations (Title, place, year)
Athlétisme affectif, Tangente, Théâtre La Chapelle Scène Contemporaine « L’autre cirque », 2022
AND THE LEMON(S), CAM en tournée, 2021
Paysages dynamiques, Partenariat du Quartier des Spectacles, Quand l’art prend l’air, 2021
FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN, LION LION, Festival Montréal Complètement Cirque, 2021