What if Hansel Consented to Being Baked Alive?
What if Hansel Consented to Being Baked Alive?
Michael Martini
FANM: prier sur le ring
Mara Dupas
Salle intime, Prospero
30 min. + 45 min.
May 27, 1pm* EN
May 28, 9pm EN
May 29, 9pm FR
“Consent is hot” is a generally agreed-upon maxim. But what about when we consent to intimacy we don’t enjoy, when we are motivated by facets other than pleasure, such as money, or simple curiosity? Delving into perverse narratives combined with fairytale motifs, Michael Martini constructs a performance hybridizing video and text, while working with the through-line of a single prop: his own oven.
Michael Martini creates work for various contexts, from the gallery to the video screen to the blackbox. Since graduating from Concordia University, he has navigated Montreal’s interdisciplinary, bilingual scene, often collaborating with dancers and visual artists. His creations shift between the banal and the eccentric – layering text, video, and dress-up with a DIY atmosphere.