Debt and Parentage
Emma-Kate Guimond + Gui B.B
Moderated by DADA
White Wall Studio
May 27, 8pm
No tickets necessary for this event
The artists from the projects Strong Legs Folding and I Have Such a Horrible Voice come together to exchange thoughts on their relationships with materials and experiences that are intertwined within their creation process. While legacies can provide support for certain methodologies, they also carry their burden, a haunting presence. How can we negotiate the space between contribution and debt, between anchoring and metamorphoses? Complex economies are negotiated here, as artists are seeking new ways of representing and being in the world. Facilitated by artist, jurist, poet, and member of the programming committee DADA, the discussion will unfold at the White Wall Studio, following the presentation of the Strong Legs Folding Lab.
Intermingled Exchanges
As part of the OFFTA, LA SERRE – arts vivants organizes activities and conversations that allow the live arts communities to reflect on its practices and to engage with the artists presented during the festival.
Three conversations, a sound healing bath, and a moment of sharing allow for the artists and programmers of this edition to share the thoughts and mechanisms at play in their work.